Monday, September 27, 2010


Before the weather turned cold I wanted to make it to Varna to check out the Black Sea. So on Thursday after classes 3 other American girls and I hopped on a bus to Sofia and then from Sofia a bus to Varna. 9 hours later we arrived at 5am in Varna. We decided to find a cheap hotel and a 15 leva taxi ride later landed us on the outskirts of the city at a 35 leva a night 2 twin bedroom..for 4 girls. A few hours later we left the hotel at 10 and went to the city center in search of a hostel and food! We finally found a hostel after hours of searching only because the hostel we wanted to stay at had been shut down and we did not know that. After checking in the hostel we explored the city the remainder of the day. The next day we went to the beach and spent a bit of time sunbathing and swimming although the weather was in the 70’s. We also explored Roman ruins, churches and did a bit of shopping. I was a bit bummed because we came to late in the season, and all the clubs and bars on the beach were closed but we still had a nice time.

Sunday morning we got back on a bus to Sofia, and arrived back in Blago around 9:30pm. I have a new found hatred for riding on a bus, and would much rather take a train. But from what I’ve heard it’s better/safer to take the buses then to take the train here. Overall it was a good trip, and I’m glad we got a chance to go to Varna! =)

                                                                      The Black Sea

 Black Sea

 The Roman Thermae
 The Roman Thermae

Opera House

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