Monday, September 27, 2010

Homeless animals of Bulgaria.

          Coming here I was expecting homeless animals on the street but definitely not to the extent I’ve seen it here. Everyday walking to class I see homeless cats and dogs. Now I’m beginning to recognize the dogs and there's even 2 of then that always stay together. If you pay a bit of attention to the dogs they will follow you around everywhere you go and wait for you outside a store when you go in. At first I was nervous about the stray dogs but I’ve never felt unsafe around them, if fact I think there pretty sweet animals. What can be annoying is when your sitting outside of a restaurant eating and then 2 dogs, or cats and dogs get in fights right under your table or near it. That’s happen twice and I was somewhat uneasy about it. But for the most part they really are nice animals.

          Going to Varna this weekend I was amazed at how many strays there were. It felt way worse then in Blagoevgrad. At one point there was a street with at least 20 dogs and cats, it felt like most of them were puppies. On the same street I saw, in what felt like slow motion a BMW with about 5 dogs around it slowly going only to run over a dogs 2 legs. The sound was horrible and I felt so bad for the dog. I’m not sure what happen to it, but I did see the owner of the BMW pullover but I don’t know what he did. On another occasion in my second week in Blagoevgrad I saw a dog get run over and quiver in the street, until it stopped. The car did not stop. I was really shaken up over these two incidents and I really wonder if in a month I’ve seen this twice, how many times a day does this happen here?! I don’t understand why the Bulgarian government can’t make a program to neuter the animals at least so this stops being a cycle! I realize that Bulgaria has a lot of other issues to deal with from corruption, the Roma, orphanages and so on. But for me I think this is a major issue that should be addressed. I’ve seen that some of the dogs have red tags on their ears and I’ve been told that this means they’ve received shots but I’m not sure if this means they’ve been neutered, but from the look of how many animals are on the streets I really am thinking they have not been neutered. I’ve never been an animal person, but I want to adopt a dog so bad!

  This is typical to see if you eat outside in Bulgaria.


     Look how cute these puppies are and they have no home!


 My baby, I wanted to take him with me so bad!





Buddy our beach buddy drinking water.

A link to a video with pictures of homeless Bulgarian cats:
Video for adoption of Bulgarian animals:

Article on animal cruelty in Bulgaria:

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure what happen to it, but I did see the owner of the BMW pullover but I don't know what he did. On another occasion in my second ...
