Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving AUBG Style

Volunteering to organize a Thanksgiving for 35 people is easier said then done. I had not counted on the fact that everyone has an opinion and is not afraid to voice it….but after having a little bit of turkey mutiny by a couple of Americans, I’m happy to say we all came together to enjoy this festive day. To start out we first had to plan how much turkey, potatoes, stuffing and gravy would cost for us to make, which came out to around 10 leva ($7). After that we collected the 10 leva from the Americans who wanted to come. We went grocery shopping at Kaufland and bought turkeys from Brazil. (I don’t understand why turkeys had to be shipped from the other side of the world, they have turkeys in Bulgaria.) The turkeys were a lot smaller then the ones back home. Around 8 pounds each. We also bought the potatoes, and the bread from a local bakery. We had to rent out the kitchen in the main university building, the cost was 1 leva per person which ended up being 35 leva. This included a Bulgarian lady working with us in the kitchen from 8am to 6pm, cleaning, peeling, washing etc. All Saturday morning and afternoon was spent cooking. Everyone coming had to come with a side dish, I made peach cobbler. Others made mac & cheese, fruit salad, casseroles and so on. All and all it turned out very nicely, and I’m glad everything went so smoothly. I was a bit sad not to be home with my family for Thanksgiving, but thank goodness for Skype! It certainly helps ease homesickness, especially in the holidays.

On December 17th I’m taking a one month vacation around Europe. Starting in:
Helsinki, Finland
Tallinn, Estonia
Riga, Latvia
Vilnius, Lithuania
Warsaw, Poland
Lodz, Poland
Krakow, Poland
Prague, Czech Republic
Then ending in Munich/Augsburg, Germany

I think it’s going to be an amazing trip! I had the choice of flying back to Seattle for a month, but I’m not in Europe every year and really want to take the opportunity to explore. Now just to get through finals…and this 20 page paper on Roma in Bulgaria and Romania, oh joy!

The Group

Turkey from Brazil in Bulgaria...I dont understand WHY!

Pumpkin, Lemon, Peach Cobbler and the list goes on

Working hard being the supervisor

Pumpkin pie from real pumkins...not the stuff out of the can!

Thanksgiving would not be complete without kraft macaroni and cheese being shipped from the if we could have found cranberry sauce.

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