Thursday, August 26, 2010

In Bulgaria and already a visit to the notorious Bulgarian hospital

Coming to Bulgaria, and exploring the city I'd thought if I was to go to the hospital for anything it would be for either getting hit by a car due to lack of crosswalks, and crazy drivers or being bit by a wild dog. But no, instead I manage to cut my hand with a knife. It happened all very fast, but as soon as I cut it blood was everywhere and I rushed down stairs with a fellow student and went to the directors office, it just kept gushing blood and he wrapped a towel abound it and I was told a ambulance was coming. But then right after that he said it would be faster to drive me, so a short 3 minuet drive (the blood had already gone through the towel) we arrived at the hospital and was rushed into a room where nurses in flip flops and a doctor looked at my hand and started to give me stitches. I've never had stitches and the sensations of having string go through your skin, minus pain killers is something. I think I took it pretty well! I got a TB shot, and without even cleaning up the blood that was all over my arm I was sent on my way...! I'm not going to go into comparing hospitals to the one I went to here in Bulgaria, but it's definitely an experience I'll always remember. I'm now on antibiotics and my hand is a shade of green soon to turn blue.

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