Sunday, January 30, 2011

Back in Blagoevgrad

I’ve been back in Bulgaria since the 17th but have been extremely busy trying to get settled in and start with university again. I’m taking 5 classes with topics such as:

*Bulgarian History

*Russian Politics, Economics, and Public Policy

* Hitler: Accident or Consequence of German History

*Policy making in the EU

*A Politics class

I’m sure I’ll be busy this semester! I’m enjoying being back in town and getting to see friends again. I’m also looking forward to skiing, which if all goes as planned I’ll get to go next weekend.


My trip to Germany was all to brief but I enjoyed every moment of it! I arrived in Munich and stayed in Munich for 2 nights. On the 2nd night 2 girls who I went to school with at Eastern Washington University arrived (Kelley staying in Northern Germany, Jamie is in Passau on the Austrian border.) We went to a beer hall and had amazing Bavarian food and beer! Sadly Jamie could only stay for dinner. The next day Kelley and I caught a train to Augsburg and happily I still remembered my way around town. I managed to get us to my Rotary host parent’s house in a village nearby. I had not seen the since June 2007 so I was excited to catch up! The next day we caught a train to Bamberg for the day to meet up with my host sister Annika (for another host family) she’s studying there and was happy to take us around for the day. Yet again our meeting was far too short, and I was sad I could not stay in Bamberg for a few days. We took a night train back to Augsburg, and my host dad was king enough to pick us up at 12am at the train station. Sunday we spent the day walking around Augsburg trying to visit as much of the city as I could. Everything is closed on Sundays except a few restaurants, cafes and movie theaters. So I did not get the shopping I would have like to have gotten done. Monday I had to wake up at 3:30am in order to catch the train to the airport, since my flight to Sofia left at 9am. I loved every moment I had in Germany, I’m just sad I did not have more time there!  

Kelley who I took German with at EWU




Kelley & I in Bamberg

My Rotary host sister Annika and I in Bamberg.

Host Sister and I


Prague,Czech Republic


As you cans see from the photos, gnomes are a theme of Wrocław, which is pretty fun because we spent most of our time there in search of all the gnomes! Sadly we did not find them all! It was also 3 Kings Day when we were in Wrocław which took us by surprise, but we got to watch a really nice procession, camel and all.