Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So the adventure begins!

I figured that today in Washington D.C. my official adventure, while not in Bulgaria but towards Bulgaria begins. Why is this? Well many days of stress, phone calls and trying to gather different documents for my long term visa, type D have accumulated to this moment: a visit to the Bulgarian Embassy. A subway trip, and a bit of getting lost I found my way to the Bulgarian Embassy. Timidly I rang the doorbell at the very front door, I waited a moment and a old man answered the door. I told him that I would be studying at AUBG and needed to apply for my student visa. He looked at me, looked at the sign next to the door and told me "you do that on R street." I then said "I'm not from around here, do you mean the street there?" ( I had been wandering R street for at least a half hour, looking for the Bulgarian Consulate (not the embassy)) where I had been told to apply for my visa, but without avail could I find the consulate!
I was then assured with a "da" at which point I stared laughing not really at the guy, but that this was the first time I had..well met a Bulgarian or heared Bulgarian!...and I understood! well OK maybe "da" is just yes, which may consist of my 10 words on Bulgarian but hey. ;)

What really confused me about the embassy VS. the consulate was this map: http://www.bulgaria-embassy.org/contact.htm I thought from the map that the consulate was where the highlighted R was! Maybe a blonde moment!

Anyways, I found the place to go, handed in my paperwork, payed my fee, heared really fast Bulgarian and then went to Starbucks to read and wait for Andrew and his friend to meet me and spend the day exploring DC. We ended up going to 2 Smithsonian's and exploring a bit of DC. =)

I'm hoping my visa comes soon, it's suppose to take up to 40 days so it needs to come fast otherwise, I'll be mailing my visa from Europe to DC. :/